Sunday, March 19, 2023

It Won't Be Cold Forever, Will It?

Tomorrow is the first day of spring. However, it doesn't feel like winter is ready to leave yet.

February, 2023 was the sixth warmest one on record. I wore my lightweight winter coat more than the heavy one. March started out balmy. Daffodils were blooming everywhere, and the magnolia tree outside the window at the church kitchen was covered in beautiful pink flowers. 

Last Friday temperatures fell dramatically, and since then it's felt more like December. The heavy coat come back out of the closet, along with the ear covering and gloves. Although daffodils in sheltered locations still provide welcome spots of yellow, three consecutive nights of hard freezes left those magnolia flowers brown and limp. 

However, I know it can't be this cold forever. Soon we'll have a patch of beautiful temperatures, and then it will get too hot to be outside.


 Five years ago: A Tasty Potato Substitute


  1. I am so ready to start the summer complaining routine. Lol.

  2. We are looking forward to a mild week

    1. It always amazes me how much your weather mirrors ours, since you live substantially north of me.

  3. It's very nice here in Hawaii, of course. We hardly notice the change of seasons. However, we'll be going to London soon and I'm seeing I'll be in for a shock.

  4. The magnolias didn't stand a chance last week.

    1. The only consolation is that the same stupid cold that zapped the pretty tree flowers also zapped the nasty weedy Bradford pear flowers.

  5. The weather is constantly on our minds as it affects our mood, our health, our comfort.Although our winter is relatively short and mild, I definitely prefer the other three seasons. Cold and rainy is not for me.

    1. Cold and rainy is my least favorite combination also.

  6. I love Kermit! He's a hoot! Here's to sunshine and springtime your way!
