Sunday, September 11, 2022


Every day I have raw vegetables with my lunch. The selection rotates according to what's in season and on sale, but it always includes carrots. I'm a fan of full-sized, skin on carrots, and get them from Aldi. They're cheap, and I rarely get one that isn't sweet and tasty.

There's exceptions to that rule, though. Yesterday the last carrot in the bag was huge and strange looking. I tried to cut a chunk off the top with my paring knife and the knife refused to go through. I dropped down a couple more inches and repeated the process with the same results.  Finally, I started from the bottom and removed several chunks, which I cut into sticks. I opened the freezer and threw the hard portion into the scrap bag to use for making broth, and noticed the bag was pretty much filled up.

(When it was time to consume the vegetables I found out that the carrot sticks had a flavorful exterior but a nasty, woody core. Thank goodness the rest of the vegetables were edible.)

Later in the afternoon I decided to make broth. I poured the bag of vegetable scraps into the stock pot, added water, simmered everything for a couple of hours, then dumped them into a colander placed above a large bowl to drain off the broth. I was amazed to find out that the piece of carrot was still hard and unyielding!

Gashes are where I tried to cut at the top
Five years ago today: Did You Know?


  1. Wow! That is a very weird carrot indeed. I'm glad you were able to put it to use anyway.

  2. It seems to think it's wood. Burn it in the fireplace. Linda in Kansas

    1. That 'would' be a good idea, except for our fireplace is inoperable :-)

  3. A mutant carrot. You need to burn it so it doesn't reproduce.

    1. You don't think that boiling it for hours served the same purpose?

  4. I don't like and don't eat carrots. That's strange as carrots are a healthy veg and very good for eyesight. My loss.

    1. When we turn into adults we have the right to eat whatever we want (within reason)

  5. Definitely the black sheep of the carrot family! You have to wonder what made it grow like that?

  6. That's a pretty strange carrot. I don't like to waste, but once the knife wouldn't go through it, I think I would have thrown it out.

  7. That carrot is a hoot. I don't particularly like them, unless braised with goodies on them!

    1. I like raw carrots, but I ADORE them in a soup or stew!

  8. Like it was in the ground a year too long.
