Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Freaking Bizarre

Yesterday I wrote a post about buying new-to-me apples at the grocery store. I hit Publish, read some blogs, watched the news, and then went to bed.

This morning my email told me that several people (Shirley, Christine, Dellgirl, and Kathy) had commented on my post. However, when I opened up my blog to respond to those comments the post was gone!  All that remained was a very early draft.

I've been blogging for eleven years and have never had an issue like this. I sent a question about the issue to the Blogger Community, and I'm waiting to see if I get a response. I wonder if the missing post will show up again or if it's gone forever.

Five years ago today: How Humid Is It?


  1. Maybe there is a poltergeist on your site …..

  2. Yes, very BIZARRE!!
    Though, in the past I've had my WHOLE blog missing! Talk about bizarre!

    1. WOW! I think I would go bonkers if all my years of hard work disappeared.

  3. Wow! Like Christine above, I've also lost my entire blog! Talk about panic, I nearly had a heart attack! But somehow – and to this day I really don't know HOW – I did get it back. Whew. Bizarre for sure!

    1. I guess this is a good reminder to back up my blog...which should be done on a regular basis, but somehow Life gets in the way.
