Thursday, May 2, 2013



Last weekend our area was cold and rainy, with lows in the 40s.  (The only reason we didn't turn the furnace back on was stubbornness.)  Starting on Monday Spring teased us with several days of nice weather, but this afternoon a front came through; the temperature dropped and the rain started.  It's supposed to last all weekend. The forecast overnight temperatures are in the 30s!

At least we didn't get snow like they did in the Upper Midwest.

Five years ago today: New Thing #112--Good Will Hunting


  1. I know Wisconsin got snow yesterday! Winter doesn't want to leave!

  2. Spring seems to be coming in on a sputter this year in a lot of places. It's been pretty normal where I live in the Pacific Northwest.

  3. wow, sorry to hear about your weather. It's in the seventies in Toronto and we are happy.

  4. I swear we did something similar to this when we were living in Chicago. I sure hope spring comes to stay for sure now. It's almost June for goodness sakes!
