Sunday, April 19, 2009

Root The Crown

Last Sunday I started preparing pineapple tops for growing. After I removed all the excess fruit pulp from the crown and stripped off some of the lower leaves, the directions said to let the crowns dry so the leaf scars could heal. Today I tackled the next step in the process, which was to root the crowns. Once again, I referred to the Website How To Grow A Pineapple for guidance.

When I retrieved my containers from the shelf in the laundry room, I noticed the leaves of the crowns were looking a little shriveled, and some of the leaf tips were brown. However, the stump where the lower leaves had been removed looked healthy, and the root buds on the bottom appeared as small brown bumps, contrasting with the cream-colored stem.

The directions said the most effective way to encourage roots to form was to place the crown in a glass of water, place the glass away from any temperature extremes, and change the water every few days. I decided to put my cups back on the shelf in the laundry room, because it's cozy there and the cats won't be able to jump up and disturb them.

Here's a picture of my crowns ready to root:

It will take about three weeks to see new root growth. When the crown has a set of healthy roots, it's ready to plant in a cactus-type potting mix. It can take two more months before the pineapple is supporting itself as a new plant. If the process works, it will be wonderful. If it doesn't, at least it won't cost a lot.


  1. I remember doing this once when I lived in Florida - it was a lot of fun - I planted it outside and it was beautiful. Can't wait to see it!
